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Agility (歩法, hohō; Viz "Fast Movement"; ; lit. step method) is an important skill for most Shinigami, and is very similar to the Sonído used by Arrancar. Though never stated clearly it most likely relates to the Shinigami ability to walk on air using spiritual power. By collecting and solidifying Reishi beneath their feet, Shinigami can gain traction on thin air to either freely move about or to stop themselves from falling.[1]

  • Shunpo (瞬歩, Flash steps; ; ; ), a movement technique that allows the user to move faster than the eye can follow.[2]. The focal point that determines the bases of this technique is speed. As speed is the main point of the technique the method is best characterized by how fast one can get from point A to point B in the least amount of steps. Training and skill are what determines how fast a user of Shunpo can move; those of little skill in the technique or those who haven't used it an extended amount of time would obviously be out of practice, causing those individuals to be considerably slower, which requires the use of more steps to move the same distance and become winded far easier in a shorter amount of time.
Senka (閃花, Flash Blossom; ; ; ): a special Shunpo technique where one moves to their opponents back. Directly attacking and sealing one's "Saketsu" and "Hakusui" in one strike. The movement is so fast that an opponent may not be able to tell whether he was attacked from the front or the back and even an outside observer may find it impossible to tell what the movements are.[3][4]

Way of Onmitsu, 3rd of the Shihō

Utsusemi (空蝉, Cicada, referencing their molting; ; ; ): It allows for a movement at great speed leaving an afterimage behind. The afterimage may even appear to have taken damage [5]

The agility and speed of Hohō can be enhanced and improved through mastery of it, concentration, and training. The foremost practitioners of this technique are those assigned to the Onmitsukidō.


  1. Bleach manga; Chapter 63
  2. Bleach anime; Episode 61
  3. Bleach manga; Chapter 140, page 16
  4. Bleach manga; Chapter 55-56
  5. Bleach manga; Chapter 299, page 17-18